Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Ayo kita Mengaji

Ayo kita mengaji
ayo kita mengkaji
kitab suci

Mari bersama...2x
belajar membaca

Lekas segera
langkahkan kakimu
Al Ikhlas..

semangat karena Allah
semangat meraih pahala
untuk bisa
beli tiket ke surgaLet us recite

ayo gabung bersama ustadz-ustadzah dan santriwan-santriwati di TPA Al Ikhlas..
jam mengaji setiap Sabtu dan Minggu pukul 15:30 s/d 17:00

dan buat yang punya adik kecil kelas TK, SD , SMP tapi belum bergabung..
buruan daftarin adiknya di serambi masjid Al Ikhlas mulai nanti sore ...

semoga ada-ada saja yang tertarik..
ya semoga ada...
dan akan selalu ada.,

(let us examine


Let's together ... 2x

learn to read


soon soon

step forward with your feet


Al Ikhlas ..

Watermelon ...

zeal for God

the spirit of reaching the reward

to be

 let's join together with cleric and chaplain-in TPA santriwan santriwati Al-Ikhlas ..

hours to take your lessons every Saturday and Sunday at 15:30 s / d 17:00

and have a little brother for a class of kindergarten, elementary, junior high school but have not joined ..

Includes daftarin her sister on the porch Masjid Al Ikhlas begin later this afternoon ...

hopefully there's been one thing interested ..

yes there is hope ...

and will always exist.,

ameen ..

buy a ticket to heaven

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