Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Think About You > Galau Hati Miss Poemey

When I see you
I just only smile
When I feel you
I just only dream about you

When you and me in long distance
I always think about you
When you're not here
I miss you...

what are you doing...
what are you thinking...
Are you think about me too?
I hope it..
I always make a wish its be come true

When your come
just only for me
I want to know..
Do you like me...

I just like you
You just like me
When you tell me
about your like, about football
you're so amazing..

Everynight, in my self...
I always think about you
Everynight, when I sleep
I dream about you
I think about love story
about you, me and love

27 April 2012

              Me   : Dududuch....
                        Miss Poemey lagi mikirin apa ya, kok kelihatannya galau amat?
Miss Poemey : Iya, nich. Kapan ya, Habis Galau, Perih Terbenam....
lama sekali........
mereka diam seribu bahasa.....


(Dik Ulinuha jauh dari Solo udah nelfonin nyuruh pulang)

Miss Poemey and me go home together,
ya iyalah...
because she just like me, ya raga n jiwa kami satu dibadanku...

Hahaha, bingung ya...
iya, aku itu Miss Poemey...


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